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Youth Jury Members

of the 36th International Singing Competition

As part of its pedagogic work, the International Singing Competition of Marmande opens up to a young panel by including a Youth Jury.

This initiative allowed to select 7 young girls, this year, who will follow Competition events and will have the responsibility to attribute their own Prize. They will be supervised by Marie-Claire Mestres, Choir of Nuits Lyriques Director, she will animate their deliberations.

Our ambition is to extend this Jury to the entire Nouvelle-Aquitaine region. The Prize, ideally, will take form as an Itinerant Recital throughout the Schools who are in partnership with Les Nuits Lyriques.

Marion Lisitano

Margot Lafage

Mathilde Guilloteau

Clarisse Guilloteau

Maya Santana Ollagnier

Romane Hallier

Myrtille Bourdic