of candidates
International Partnerships
International partnerships, particularly with Canada, are now sustainable and strong. Others are opening with Estonia, China (Shanghai) and South Korea.
In 2019, an artistic bridge is being built with Spain and Mexico.
All these contacts and exchanges make Marmande a place where many opera leaders from several continents meet.

Canada and Nuits Lyriques
Montreal, Toronto, Vancouver also welcome the President of the Marmande International Song Contest to promote the mobility of young transatlantic opera artists.
China and Nuits Lyriques
An artistic bridge has been built with the City of Shanghai, thanks to Heng Shi, former winner of the Marmande Song Contest, who is now a well-known and influential figure in the Chinese opera world, particularly in Shanghai, since he is the founder of the Shanghai International Comic Opera Festival and Artistic Advisor of the Shanghai Xintian Symphony Orchestra.
South Korea and Nuits Lyriques
In 2019, the Nuits Lyriques and Jeju Grand Opera Corp. (South Korea) are developing new relationships thanks to Hye Myung Kang, former winner of the International Singing Competition who now sits on the Jury. On September 27 and 28, 2019, Philippe Mestres will conduct Carmen de Bizet at the Jeju Art Center. This production will also bring together several former winners around Hye Myung Kang: Anne-Sophie Vincent, Jean-Noël Briend and Heng Shi, whom the public in Marmanda could appreciate during the 30th Anniversary Gala in 2018.

Mexico and Nuits Lyriques
The partnership signed with the National Mexican Concurso San Miguel allows us to welcome, each year, within the framework of the International Singing Competition, a Mexican winner whose travel and accommodation expenses to Marmande are covered by the San Miguel Opera.