We are committed to
Les Nuits Lyriques
and Présence Compositrices
create the Présence Compositrices Prize
at the International Singing Competition of Marmande

We value the repertoire of melodies by French women composers from the 19th century onwards
The Présence Compositrices Prize, created by Les Nuits Lyriques and the Présence Compositrices promotion and resource centre, aims to promote the richness of the repertoire of French women composers by proposing it within the International Singing Competition, in the Melody category.
This prize, endowed with an amount of 1 000 € offered by Présence Compositrices, makes it possible to support the works composed by women so that they obtain the necessary visibility near the artists, then of the public, to make integral part of the musical offer and to take part in its diversity and its inclusiveness.
Those who choose to register for the Presence Compositrices Prize must perform one melody by a women composer in the preselection OR semi-final AND a second in the final. To compete for the Présence Compositrices Prize, candidates must therefore propose at least two songs by women composers in their program.
To find a directory Compositrices don’t hesitate to Demandez à Clara, which focuses on the works of women composers. The database already contains several thousand references and is intended to be expanded regularly.
How to participate in the Presence Award?
In their application, each candidate proposes a program of 6 French songs, including at least one work by a female composer, which must be performed during one of the three rounds (Preselections, Semi-Final or Final).
Those who choose to compete for the Prix Présence Compositrices must perform a second song by a female composer in the Final. In summary, to compete for the Presence Composers Award, candidates must propose in their program a minimum of two melodies by female composers to be performed during the pre-selections OR semi-finals AND during the Final. Of course, there is nothing to prevent candidates from proposing several songs by women composers in their program.
Information about Prix Présence Compositrices 2023
2023 marks a truly proactive attitude in favor of the visibility of the female composer repertoire, with two obligations: all candidates entered in the melody category must present at least one work by a female composer, and those competing for the Prix Présence Compositrices must include at least two melodies by female composers in their program. The results are in, with an increase in the number of songs by female composers compared with 2022: 87 songs by different female composers (compared with 53 in 2022) and 134 mentions of a song by a female composer (compared with 80 in 2022) in the programs. The number of candidates competing for the Prize is also on the increase: 48 versus 31 in 2022. It should be noted that 7 candidates proposed more than 2 melodies by female composers in their programs.

Number of candidates registered in Melody

Number of male singers registered in melody

Number of female singers registered in Melody

Number of candidates registered for the prize

Number of male singers registered for the prize

Number of female singers registered for the prize

Total number of proposed composers

number of composers in the programs

Number of female composers in the programs

Number of people competing for the award mentioning more than 2 women composers in their program

total number of mentions of a melody by female composers

Number of different melodies by female composers
Le Prix Présence Compositrices remis en 2023
Information about Prix Présence Compositrices 2022
Seeing 20 names of women composers, representing 53 different French melodies and 80 mentions of a melody in the programs of the candidates of a competition of the scale of Marmande is a real step forward and a first.
Undeniably, the Prix Présence Compositrices promotes the awareness that there is a repertoire to be explored and facilitates the passage to action. It remains to consolidate this first step and to envisage the way to do it.

Number of candidates registered in Melody

Number of male singers registered in melody

Number of female singers registered in Melody

Number of candidates registered for the prize
31 (40%)

Number of male singers registered for the prize

Number of female singers registered for the prize

Number of applicants who included female composers in their program (registered or not for the award)
37 (48%)

Percentage of female singers among applicants with female composers on their program
81 %

Percentage of male singers among applicants proposing female composers in their program
19 %

Total number of proposed composers

number of composers in the programs

Number of female composers in the programs

Number of people competing for the award mentioning more than 2 women composers in their program

total number of mentions of a melody by female composers

Number of different melodies by female composers